This morning at work, a local Park City business brought by some fresh cinnamon rolls for us to eat. Completely free, imagine that!
They were so delicious, not very sweet, but quite doughy, with the perfect hint of cinnamon.
They were so delicious, in fact, that I ran in to the conference room to see if there were more, which to my dismay there were none left. (food goes fast around here)
At that very moment I realized how badly I wanted that good taste to linger in my mouth again. I just wanted to experience it just once more, because even though I savored every bite and took my time eating the cinnamon roll, it was gone all too soon.
This very event brings me to the moral of the story, er this blog post. Everything in our lives happens moment by moment. And as fast as those moments come, they also go. All that we are ever left with is a memory, a changed or progressed thought, and feelings associated with certain things, people, and places and essentially and how those moments added up have changed and shaped who we are.
Yes, it can be sad in a way, because everything happens in such fleeting moments, and sometimes I just want to hold on to them and replay, replay, replay. But no, that's not how life works and maybe it is best so... so that we can move on and enjoy other things, in different ways, so nothing ever becomes stagnant. Everything is always in a constant state of flux and change. That is life.
I remember falling in love and having that amazing loving feeling overwhelm my body and every thought. As I laid in my lover's arms, cuddled up as he kissed my cheek, I remember wishing that moment would never end because everything was in perfect harmony, perfect bliss.
How I wish I could hold on to the moments of having lunch with my amazing grandparents in our old house. I knew the day would come when they wouldn't be around anymore, so every time I would visit them I would breathe in the smells of the kitchen and ingrain them into my mind, feel the texture and fabric of the sofa, remember it. Deeply root every word of our conversations into my mind and heart. Memorize the every feature in their faces... And that's all I have now because those moments came and went, they are gone forever, except for those memories.
So grasping and accepting the fact that things will change, people will change and memories will keep adding on over the years is a very important thing to be able to do, in my opinion.
These shouldn't be a depressing thoughts. Quite the contrary, actually. Because that's how we as people live and grow. Our whole lives are based on what we have learned and what we have experienced. It is a wonderful thing to be able to accept things the way they are, because everything happens for a reason... it's a beautiful thing to be able to live moment for moment, taking in all the little details of life, and yet be optimistic and excited about what the future will bring.
All in all, I have learned that we must always remember our past, plan for the future, but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS live for NOW and enjoy the NOW, because that's the only time we will ever be able to experience it.
All this from cinnamon rolls?!?!