Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More than anything I wish to visit these places. And I will. So far, almost every country I have wanted to visit, I have.
Traveling is one of my top priorities in life. I love to indulge in foreign culture and beliefs, taste exotic foods, listen to the languages and experience what the beautiful environment has to offer, and admire the many wonderful living creations ... plants, flowers, and animals. And I love capturing the essence and moments of these places with my camera.
I know that I have become a much more knowledgeable, appreciative and understanding person through my travels so far in life and I am eager to keep growing through my travels ahead.
I want to not only see other historic, lavish, leading nations, but also experience and be humbled by the poor countries, the ones where even though the people have hardly anything they are some of the happiest, friendliest people in the world. I want to live like them and be inspired by them.

[In no particular order] on my list, to be completed within the next 5-10 years are:
South Africa/Africa.
Tahiti, specifically Bora Bora
New Zealand

Monday, January 26, 2009

Part 2

I once heard this:
risk and security are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
The words I want to speak may just be my biggest risk.
I may lose all... or gain all. ALL.
I'm waiting for the time to be right, though it may never come.
Isn't that what risk is all about?
Tick-tock tick-tock. Months pass by.
Temporarily, my thoughts are clouded by unrecognizable emotions.
I can't seem to get these words out, tongue tied with a warring heart.
I can't create a masterpiece from this fragmented composition
Check mate: I am thoughtfully waiting to make my next move.
I must be cautious, I must remain rational.

So friend, let's run away together, let's chase those dreams
Let's get our hands dirty and live a little
Maybe it'd be better than we ever thought
Are you in?

Friday, January 23, 2009

These things, I should not be feeling.
These things, I should not be wanting.
Or should I?
I imagine this [possible] bliss, that could never be attained,
only because of circumstance and situation.
I can feel the energy of the desire, the forbidden, the unknown,
a harmonious future.
Thoughts blurred together into nothingness and confusion.
I cannot deny.
So when it's time to close my eyes each night, it's my only chance,
even if just for a little while, to "live" in that world.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So I know this is a little bit outdated, but I wanted to post some photos of our trip to California. We left in 2008 and came back in 2009 :) Tommy and I drove to San Diego and stayed for 5 days with his brother Gunnar. As always, it was a blast. We enjoyed being away from the Utah cold as we were sun-kissed by 70 degree weather.
Our trip consisted of lots of food, drinks, Ocean Beach, antique shops, picking grapefruits & oranges, shopping, taking awesome photos, cooking, riding the trolley & going downtown, walking along the beach, rung in the new year and best of all - spending quality time with some of the best people I know.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ahhh, it arrived yesterday. My new Canon 17-40mm (wide angle) lens I purchased from ebay. I briefly tested it out last night, but cannot wait to go out and shoot some amazing photos. I already have some great ideas I'd like to try out.
Next on the list & will be mine soon enough: 70-200mm.