Thursday, March 13, 2008

song of the day

Today's song goes to The Beatles. Strawberry Fields Forever to be exact. I have been listening to The Beatles so much lately, and I love them. The Beatles inspired pretty much every musician after their time. They most certainly changed the face of music forever ... i like to call it evolution of revolution.

Strawberry Fields Forever was written by Lennon, recorded at the end of 1966 and released at the beginning of 1967. Supposedly Strawberry Field was the name of a Salvation Army Children's children's home in Liverpool. Lennon and his friends used to play in the trees behind this home. Every year, a garden party was held on the grounds of Strawberry Field, which was the highlight of Lennon's summer.
Combined with this fond childhood memory, Lennon's failing marriage and a s***load of LSD, this song was composed.
Lennon was quoted as saying about the song: "I was different all my life. The second verse goes, 'No one I think is in my tree.' Well, I was too shy and self-doubting. Nobody seems to be as hip as me is what I was saying. Therefore, I must be crazy or a genius-- 'I mean it must be high or low,'"


Unknown said...

I always wondered what was up with that song! Across the universe interprets it differently of course, but it was also one of the best parts of the movie.

Pat Hamaker said...

oh oh sarah, hey I don't know what josh is saying but whatever and sweet blog you kicked that blogs ass